Huan Ngo

Huan Ngo

Hello, I am a final year Ph.D. Candidate majoring in Transportation Engineering under my advisor Professor Sabya Mishra. My dissertation is about “Data-driven Methodologies and its Application on Urban Mobility”. The dissertation covers four smaller studies which goes through various subjects such as optimization, algorithm design, big data analytic, graph convolution, and reinforcement learning. I believe this topic can prove equally useful to both the public and private sector as the transportation sector is moving toward electrification and automation.

You can learn more about my researches in the Research Blog section of this website. Beside my personal research, I also worked on funded projects for various agencies such as Tennessee Department of Transportation and Memphis Area Transit Authority. For a complete overview on my professional history, please follow the CV link below:

My Publications

temporary implementation

Journal Papers

Researches published in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

temporary implementation

Conference Proceedings

Researches submitted to conferences and selected for poster and/or presentation.

temporary implementation

Technical Reports

Technical reports on funded project.